The Village Playhouse is proud to announce the cast and crew of The House of Bernarda Alba. This classic Spanish play (with new English translation by our very own Erico Ortiz) will opens April 6th.
Bernarda Alba: Anne Gorski La Poncia: Mary Lynn Ferwerda Angustias: Donna McMasters Magdalena: Jackie Benka Amelia: Miriam Kopec Martirio: Caroline Miller-Bayer Adela: Bividiana Murguia Maria Josefa: Judy Pirelli-Wambach Servant: Sandra Hollander Prudencia: Antoinette Stikl Beggar Woman: Susie Melott Mourning Women: Mary Breitrick, Nadia Negron, Luz I. Ortiz-Carby, Rosie Peterson, Joyce Sponcia, Sandra Wyss
Stage Manager: Jennifer Conway
Assistant Stage Manager: Casey Paszkiewicz
Lighting & Sound: Jennifer Lautz
Costumes: Rosie Peterson
Set Design: Erico Ortiz
Set Construction: Sandra Wyss, Casey Paszkiewicz, Erico Ortiz
Set Painting & Artwork: Ronni Shmauz, Sandry Wyss
House Manager/Box Office: Mary Breitrick
Producer: Tom Zuehlke
Production Assistant: Scott Sorensen
Director: Erico Ortiz