Thank you to everyone who participated in our First Ever Monologue Competition Fundraiser. The event was a huge success! Here’s the final results:
Total amount raised — $3112.00
Tickets sold – 80 ($5 each =$400)
Donation votes for Alexis – $450 (toward goal of $100) Joanna – $320 (toward goal of $50) Donna — $280 (toward goal of $100) Marjorie – $265 (toward goal of $100) Tom – $215 (toward goal of $100) Margie – $210 (toward goal of $100) Derek – $205 (toward goal of $100) Amy – $160 (toward goal of $150) Jan – $125 (toward goal of $75) Dawn – $112 (toward goal of $300) and our bonus video of Patrick Marc Havican received $160 (toward goal of $300)
Plus we had an additional donations of $210 that didn’t go to any specific entry.
AWESOME JOB ALEXIS — Winner of a flex ticket (good for 6 productions) for bringing in the most donations with a monologue she wrote and filmed herself, entitled Phase One.
Congrats to everyone who hit their fundraising goals! They will each receive a pair of tickets to the next show the Village Playhouse produces!
And a big thank you! to Clayton Mortl, our largest donor to this event. He’ll also receive a flex ticket.
Plus an additional Thank You to Marjorie Pagel. She has been wonderful in helping raise awareness of the Village Playhouse. In addition to participating in this fundraiser, she also did a Facebook Birthday Fundraiser for us, raising over $300!
Huge thank you to all who have donated! All the little donations of $5 – $15 dollars really added up, helping us to achieve our goal. With this fundraiser we are able to cover our rent and general expenses for the next two months while we figure out a plan for the future.
While we have raised to keep the lights on for a couple of months, we are still in need of help – especially as we are unsure when we will be able to open for full productions again. We will continue to look for ways to bring you quality entertainment while we figure out what the future holds and appreciate your help and support during this uncertain time.